Making retirement go back in timeThe Rudkin~Genes enterprise is a totally non-commercial activity that is an on-going, retirement hobby which stems from a keen interest in genealogical research and the production of family and personal histories which develop from it. I began this particular project way back in 2002 with a tentative and rather casual look into the lineage of the Whitehouse and Rudkin families. The remarkable success achieved in research into my maternal line, the Rudkins, has now grown to thirty generations (to circa 1190) and around seven thousand individual records. Unfortunately it has not so far been matched by similar efforts made on my paternal line which has only, as yet, got back to the late 1600s. Nevertheless, these achievements have prompted others who are undertaking research into their own family history to seek assistance and some of these other investigations are also dealt with on this site, see the drop-down lists under the tabs above. So, since genealogy is one of the few areas where progress is measured by how far backwards one can go, Rudkin~Genes appears to be doing OK while at the same time new skills, new friends and acquaintances are being gathered. To take a break from the frustrations of genealogical research - and there are plenty - other interests have developed too and a some of these are dealt with under the 'More' tab above. |